How To Use UTM Parameters – The beginner’s guide

How To Use UTM Parameters – The beginner’s guide

If you have used ‘goals’ in Google Analytics you will be familiar with how easy it can be to track when certain events occur on your website or mobile apps. Where things can get a little trickier is when you want to analyse data on where a user came from or what piece of creative they engaged with before completing a goal. This is where UTM Parameters come in handy.

Value Track + UTM Parameters = Tracking Success at a Granular level

Value Track + UTM Parameters = Tracking Success at a Granular level

When talking to a new client, we often get requests for help on measuring and optimising AdWords activity more efficiently. The most common is how to add the keyword a specific customer clicked on before registering to their data records. It is often thought that this can only be done through buying in a 3rd party piece of software or ad management tool. However, this is not the case. Without any additional cost, it is possible to get keyword level or other information surfaced in your analytics systems.

Analysis Paralysis for Marketers: When Your Data Works Against You

Analysis Paralysis for Marketers: When Your Data Works Against You

Digital marketing is being revolutionised by data. Having the ability to track conversions on a granular level, find out what campaigns, ads or landing pages are converting the best and what headlines your email list responds best to are the type of information that will set the difference between efficient marketers staying ahead of the game, and the rest.

Segmenting your Customer Base & Setting Objectives to Grow your Revenue

Segmenting your Customer Base & Setting Objectives to Grow your Revenue

All your customers are not equal. Some of them buy a lot, some buy more occasionally, and unfortunately, some will also churn and stop buying from you. In other words, your customers are not all equally profitable for your business. Segmenting your customer base according to their behaviour allows you to understand what type of messaging to put in front of different people.